By the year 1908 William owned market stalls, not only in Wigan but also at Bolton and St. Helens. The sweets were immensely popular and with business thriving the tiny kitchen in Acton Street was overloaded. Being a shrewd businessman William realised it was time to expand and so the “Swinley Confectionery Company” was born. William and Ellen went into partnership with William’s brother-in-law; a well-known Wiganer charismatically titled J.J. Fortune. He owned some property at 62 Kenyon Road and so, in the shadow of the huge Rylands Cotton Mill, a small domestic factory was built where this new company would produce their mint balls and treacle toffee amongst others. William sold his market stalls in Bolton and St. Helens and all the sweets were destined to be eaten by Wiganers. The toffee was transported from Gidlow to the Market by means of a small truck and a small boy, Eric.